Arhive pe categorii: Thought of the day

Nu mă mai joc!


Cred că tocmai mi-am dat seama de ce nu am mai scris nimic pe aici! Cu câteva minute în urmă am scris un textuleţ destul de drăguţ despre cum sunt eu irascibilă şi cum nu ai vrea să te cerţi cu mine, ba chiar am povestit şi despre visul pe care l-am avut azi noapte, unul destul de interesant zic eu şi… BANG! Cum am apăsat butonul de „Publică” a dispărut totul mai ceva ca Houdini. Vanished! Gone! Nu pot să-mi explic de ce WordPress are ciuda asta impresionantă pe mine, însă nu-mi place! Şi m-am supărat. Nu mă mai joc!

See? Everything's alright!


January has issues with her mother, February is always talking about things he wants to do while March does them, April eats sweets and May pays for them, June is the oldest but not the wisest and July always has an opinion on everything. August never stops trying do the right thing, even if he doesn’t always know what that is. September once saw something so sad, she never stopped crying. October holds the lift for anyone, vice-presidents and street-sweepers alike (for his memory, not for theirs) and November makes fun of him for this. December is tired but always hopeful. He has never once stopped believing.

Monday’s obviously a bastard, quite literally as dad can’t remember what or who he was doing. Tuesday’s temperamental but ok as long as you stay on her good side. Wednesday doesn’t say much and Thursday sometimes hums just to break the silence. They’re in love. Friday’s always wasted and she and Saturday hold each other tightly until their delirium fades.

But Sunday, Sunday knows she’s the end. But she closes her eyes, and she pretends with all the strength in her tiny heart that really, she’s the dawn.


This is me


There are things what you find and say „this is ME”. This is one of them.

You know I’ve got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They’re the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpreting the hell out of everything. Then there’s the music people who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I don’t know, sometimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since I’m not, let me just say this. Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that. And for me it’s usually song lyrics.

Cugetarea zilei (1)


Cred că se cade să încerc să explic un pic care e menirea acestei noi categorii. Cel mai probabil nu o să găsiţi pe aici citate din filosofi sau scriitori celebri, ci din filosofii noi. Care noi? Eu, tu, cei care ne înconjoară.  Nu vor fi doar vorbe pur legate de înţelepciune, ci şi fraze sau întâmplări amuzante. Ca de pildă cele de azi. 🙂

Test la muzică din audiţii muzicale.

Profu’: „Toată lumea să se uite în foaia lui!” 😀
Iulia: „Da, în a lui, a lu’ vecinu’ şi în aia de sub bancă!” :>


Eu: „Vreau să vină Crăciunu’!!!” 😦
Ivona: „Uite-l că o venit!” :))
Cristi(Crăciun): „Am venit! Aveai treabă cu mine?” :>